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Paulo Amaral

Born in the same year at the city of Brasília, attacking midfielders Paulo and Kaká have followed similar trajectories. Both started their careers in Săo Paulo, one at Săo Paulo FC, the other at USP IQ. While Kaká moved to Milan FC, Paulo accepted a similar challenge and moved to Brisbane IMB. Kaká was then transferred to Real Madrid, whereas this time Paulo was recruited to an English team of the same caliber.

Paulo’s mission is to help the TK lab to maintain its dominance in the legendary Gurdon Institute annual retreat game. In between the matches, Paulo studies the roles of RNAs in the composition and regulation of Chromatin. He (and these days possibly even Kaká…) is convinced that the link between the two holds the secret not only to curing cancer, but also to the ultimate question of life, the Universe and everything.

Kaká could retire if he wanted to.

More info:



Paulo's taunts the opposition during the annual Gurdon Institute retreat game.

Website created by Trent Munro in 2004. Maintained by Ali Cook (Last update: March 2013)