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Mark Dawson

Mark obtained his MBBS at the University of Melbourne in 1999. He is a consultant haematologist and a Fellow of both the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. In 1998 he completed a BMedSc studying the contribution of the p16INK4A locus to the development of familial malignant melanoma spending his research time at The University of Oxford, The Walter Eliza Hall and Ludwig Institute. He did his PhD at the University of Cambridge with Prof. Tony Green and during this period was a permanent visitor in the TK lab. He is now a Wellcome-Beit Fellow and finally an official lab member. His interest lies in understanding the mechanisms by which chromatin modifying enzymes regulate malignant self renewal in leukaemic stem cells.

Will there be any left for me?

Website created by Trent Munro in 2004. Maintained by Ali Cook (Last update: March 2013)