First/Last Author Papers
Krieger TG, Moran CM, Frangini A, Visser WE, Schoenmakers E, Muntoni F, Clark CA, Gadian D, Chong WK, Kuczynski A, Dattani M, Lyons G, Efthymiadou A, Varga-Khadem F, Simons BD, Chatterjee K, Livesey FJ. (2019) Mutations in thyroid hormone receptor α1 cause premature neurogenesis and progenitor cell depletion in human cortical development. PNAS 16 (45) 22754-22763 Abstract , Pubmed
Paonessa F, Evans LD, Solanki R, Larrieu D, Wray S, Hardy J, Jackson SP, Livesey FJ (2019) Microtubules Deform the Nuclear Membrane and Disrupt Nucleocytoplasmic Transport in Tau-Mediated Frontotemporal Dementia. Cell Reports Vol 26, Issue 3, p582-593 Abstract , Pubmed
Christy O.Y. Hung and Frederick J. Livesey (2018) Altered γ-Secretase Processing of APP Disrupts Lysosome and Autophagosome Function in Monogenic Alzheimer’s Disease Cell Reports Vol 25, Issue 13, p3647–3660 Abstract , Pubmed
Raquel Real, Manuel Peter, Antonio Trabalza, Shabana Khan, Mark A. Smith, Joana Dopp,Samuel J. Barnes, Ayiba Momoh, Alessio Strano, Emanuela Volpi, Graham Knott, Frederick J. Livesey, and Vincenzo De Paola (2018) In vivo modeling of human neuron dynamics and Down syndrome. Science Vol. 362, Issue 6416 Abstract , Pubmed
Neng-Wei Hu, Grant T. Corbett, Steven Moore, Igor Klyubin, Tiernan T. O’Malley, Dominic M. Walsh, Frederick J. Livesey, Michael J. Rowan (2018) Extracellular Forms of Aβ and Tau from iPSC Models of Alzheimer’s Disease Disrupt Synaptic Plasticity Cell Reports Vol 23, Issue 7, p1932–1938 Abstract , Pubmed
Lewis D.Evans, Thomas Wassmer, Graham Fraser, James Smith, Michael Perkinton, Andrew Billinton, Frederick J.Livesey, (2018) Extracellular Monomeric and Aggregated Tau Efficiently Enter Human Neurons through Overlapping but Distinct Pathways Cell Reports Vol 22, Issue 13, p3612-3624 Abstract , Pubmed
Philip W. Brownjohn, James Smith, Ravi Solanki, Ebba Lohmann, Henry Houlden, John Hardy, Sabine Dietmann, Frederick J. Livesey, (2018) Functional Studies of Missense TREM2 Mutations in Human Stem Cell-Derived Microglia Stem Cell Reports Vol 10, Issue 4, p1294-1307 Abstract , Pubmed
Philip W. Brownjohn, James Smith, Erik Portelius, Lutgarde Serneels, Hlin Kvartsberg, Bart De Strooper, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Frederick J. Livesey, (2017) Phenotypic Screening Identifies Modulators of Amyloid Precursor Protein Processing in Human Stem Cell Models of Alzheimer’s Disease Stem Cell Reports Vol. 8 j 1–13 Abstract , Pubmed
Tomoki Otani, Maria C. Marchetto, Fred H. Gage, Benjamin D. Simons, Frederick J. Livesey, (2016) 2D and 3D Stem Cell Models of Primate Cortical Development Identify Species-Specific Differences in Progenitor Behavior Contributing to Brain Size Cell Stem Cell Abstract , Pubmed
Peter Kirwan, Benita Turner-Bridger, Manuel Peter, Ayiba Momoh, Devika Arambepola, Hugh P. C. Robinson and Frederick J. Livesey, (2015) Development and function of human cerebral cortex neural networks from pluripotent stem cells in vitro Development 142, 3178-3187 Abstract , Pubmed
Steven Moore, Lewis D.B. Evans, Therese Andersson, Erik Portelius, James Smith, Tatyana B. Dias, Nathalie Saurat, Amelia McGlade, Peter Kirwan, Kaj Blennow, John Hardy, Henrik Zetterberg, Frederick J. Livesey (2015) APP Metabolism Regulates Tau Proteostasis in Human Cerebral Cortex Neurons Cell Reports V11 i5, p689–696 Abstract , Pubmed
Nathalie Saurat, Therese Andersson, Navneet A Vasistha, Zoltán Molnár and Frederick J Livesey (2013) Dicer is required for neural stem cell multipotency and lineage progression during cerebral cortex development Neural Development 8(1):14 Abstract , Pubmed
Jessica M. Alsiö, Basile Tarchini, Michel Cayouette and Frederick J. Livesey (2013) Ikaros promotes early-born neuronal fates in the cerebral cortex PNAS 1215707110 Abstract , Pubmed
Yichen Shi, Peter Kirwan, and Frederick J. Livesey (2012) Directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells to cerebral cortex neurons and neural networks Nature Protocols 7, 1836–1846 Abstract , Pubmed
Yichen Shi, Peter Kirwan, James Smith, Glenn MacLean, Stuart H. Orkin and Frederick J. Livesey (2012) A Human Stem Cell Model of Early Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology in Down Syndrome Science Translational Medicine (aop) Abstract , Pubmed
Yichen Shi, Peter Kirwan, James Smith, Hugh P C Robinson, Frederick J Livesey (2012) Human cerebral cortex development from pluripotent stem cells to functional excitatory synapses Nature Neuroscience (aop) Abstract , Pubmed
Therese Andersson, Sabhi Rahman, Stephen N. Sansom, Jessica M. Alsiö, Masahiro Kaneda, James Smith, Donal O’Carroll, Alexander Tarakhovsky, Frederick J. Livesey (2011) Reversible Block of Mouse Neural Stem Cell Differentiation in the Absence of Dicer and MicroRNAs PLoS ONE 5(10) e13453 Abstract , Pubmed
João D. Pereira, Stephen N. Sansom, James Smith, Marc-Werner Dobenecker, Alexander Tarakhovsky, and Frederick J. Livesey (2010) Ezh2, the histone methyltransferase of PRC2, regulates the balance between self-renewal and differentiation in the cerebral cortex PNAS 1002530107 Abstract , Pubmed
Tatiana Subkhankulova, Kojiro Yano, Hugh P. C. Robinson and Frederick J. Livesey (2010) Grouping and classifying electrophysiologically-defined classes of neocortical neurons by single cell, whole-genome expression profiling. Front Mol Neurosci. 2010 Apr 13;3:10. Abstract , Pubmed
Stephen N. Sansom, Dean S. Griffiths, Andrea Faedo, Dirk-Jan Kleinjan, Youlin Ruan, James Smith, Veronica van Heyningen, John L. Rubenstein, Frederick J. Livesey (2009) The Level of the Transcription Factor Pax6 Is Essential for Controlling the Balance between Neural Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Neurogenesis. PLOS Genetics 5(6): e1000511. Abstract , Pubmed
Tatiana Subkhankulova, Michael J Gilchrist and Frederick J Livesey (2008) Modelling and measuring single cell RNA expression levels find considerable transcriptional differences among phenotypically identical cells. BMC Genomics 2008, 9:268. Abstract , Pubmed
Cobb, B. S., Hertweck, A., Smith, J., O’Connor, E., Graf, D., Cook, T., Smale, S. T., Sakaguchi, S., Livesey, F. J., Fisher, A. G., and Merkenschlager, M. (2006) A role for Dicer in immune regulation. J. Exp. Med. 203: 2519-2527. Abstract , Pubmed
Subkhankulova, T. and Livesey, F. J. (2006) Comparative evaluation of linear and exponential amplification techniques for expression profiling at the single cell level. Genome Biology ,7: R18. Abstract , Pubmed
Sansom, S.N., Hebert, J.M., Thammongkol, U., Smith, J., Nisbet, G., Surani, M.A., McConnell, S.K. and Livesey, F.J. (2005) Genomic characterisation of a Fgf-regulated gradient-based neocortical protomap. Development 132: 3947-61. Abstract , Pubmed
Livesey, F.J. Young, T.L. and Cepko, C.L. (2004) An analysis of the gene expression program of mammalian neural progenitor cells. PNAS 101:1374-1379. Abstract , Pubmed
Reviews and book chapters
Nathalie G. Saurat, Frederick J. Livesey , Steven Moore (2016) Cortical Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Cells for In Vitro Modeling of Alzheimer’s Disease. Systems Biology of Alzheimer’s Disease Vol 1303 of Methods in Molecular Biology pp 267-278 Abstract , Pubmed
Livesey, F.J. (2012) Stem cell models of Alzheimer’s disease and related neurological disorders. Alzheimers Res Ther. 4(5):44 Abstract , Pubmed
Livesey, F.J. (2012) A potential link between obesity and neural stem cell dysfunction. Nat Cell Biol. 14(10):987-9.. Abstract , Pubmed
Brand AH, Livesey FJ (2011) Neural stem cell biology in vertebrates and invertebrates: more alike than different? Neuron. 70(4):719-29 Abstract , Pubmed
Sansom, S.N. and Livesey, F.J. Neural cell fate determination. In: Principles of Developmental Genetics, Ed. Sally Moody, Elsevier, 2007 Abstract
Brand, A. H., and Livesey, F. J. (2005) Cell differentiation. Curr Opin Cell Biol 17: 637-638. Abstract
Livesey, F.J. (2003) Strategies for microarray analysis of limiting amounts of RNA. Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics, 12:1-5. Abstract , Pubmed
Sansom, S., Rahman, S., Thammongkol, U. and Livesey, F.J. Cell fate determination in neural stem cells. In: Neural Stem Cells: Development and Transplantation, Ed. Jane Bottenstein, Kluwer Academic, 2003.
Livesey, F.J. (2002) Have microarrays failed to deliver for developmental biology? Genome Biology, 3: 2009.
Blackshaw, S. and Livesey, R. (2002) Applying genomics technologies to neural development. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 12: 110-114.
Collaborative publications
Vasja Urbančič, Richard Butler, Benjamin Richier, Manuel Peter, Julia Mason, Frederick J. Livesey, Christine E. Holt, Jennifer L. Gallop (2017) Filopodyan: An open-source pipeline for the analysis of filopodia. The Journal of Cell Biology Abstract , Pubmed
Madeline A Lancaster, Nina S Corsini, Simone Wolfinger, E Hilary Gustafson, Alex W Phillips, Thomas R Burkard, Tomoki Otani, Frederick J Livesey and Juergen A Knoblich (2017) Guided self-organization and cortical plate formation in human brain organoids Nature Biotechnology Abstract , Pubmed
Michael Willem, Sabina Tahirovic, Marc Aurel Busche, Saak V. Ovsepian, Magda Chafai, Scherazad Kootar, Daniel Hornburg, Lewis D. B. Evans, Steven Moore, Anna Daria, Heike Hampel, Veronika Müller, Camilla Giudici, Brigitte Nuscher, Andrea Wenninger-Weinzierl, Elisabeth Kremmer, Michael T. Heneka, Dietmar R. Thal, Vilmantas Giedraitis, Lars Lannfelt, Ulrike Müller, Frederick J. Livesey, Felix Meissner, Jochen Herms, Arthur Konnerth, Hélène Marie and Christian Haass (2015) η-Secretase processing of APP inhibits neuronal activity in the hippocampus. Nature doi:10.1038/nature14864 Abstract , Pubmed
Teresa Sposito, Elisavet Preza, Colin J. Mahoney, Núria Setó-Salvia, Natalie S. Ryan, Huw R. Morris, Charles Arber, Michael J. Devine, Henry Houlden, Thomas T. Warner, Trevor J. Bushell, Michele Zagnoni, Tilo Kunath, Frederick J. Livesey, Nick C. Fox, Martin N. Rossor, John Hardy, and Selina Wray (2015) Developmental regulation of tau splicing is disrupted in stem cell-derived neurons from frontotemporal dementia patients with the 10 + 16 splice-site mutation in MAPT Hum. Mol. Genet. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddv246 Abstract , Pubmed
Fahad R. Ali, Kevin Cheng, Peter Kirwan, Su Metcalfe, Frederick J. Livesey, Roger A. Barker, and Anna Philpott (2014) The phosphorylation status of Ascl1 is a key determinant of neuronal differentiation and maturation in vivo and in vitro. Development 2014 141:2216-2224 Abstract , Pubmed
Bob Olsson, Laurence Legros, François Guilhot, Kia Strömberg, James Smith, Frederick J. Livesey, David H. Wilson, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow (2013) Imatinib treatment and Aβ42 in humans. Alzheimer’s and Dementia 2013 Dec 10 Abstract , Pubmed
Tuoc TC, Boretius S, Sansom SN, Pitulescu ME, Frahm J, Livesey FJ, Stoykova A (2013) Chromatin regulation by BAF170 controls cerebral cortical size and thickness. Dev Cell. 25(3):256-69 Abstract
Mi D, Carr CB, Georgala PA, Huang YT, Manuel MN, Jeanes E, Niisato E, Sansom SN, Livesey FJ, Theil T, Hasenpusch-Theil K, Simpson TI, Mason JO, Price DJ. (2013) Pax6 exerts regional control of cortical progenitor proliferation via direct repression of Cdk6 and hypophosphorylation of pRb. Neuron. 78(2):269-84 Abstract
Yano, K., Subkhankulova, T., Livesey, F.J., Robinson, H.P. (2006) Electrophysiological and gene expression profiling of neuronal cell types in mammalian neocortex. J. Physiol. 575:361-375. , Pubmed
Pance, A., Livesey, F. J., and Jackson, A. P. (2006) A role for the transcriptional repressor REST in maintaining the phenotype of neurosecretory-deficient PC12 cells. J. Neurochem. , 99: 1435-1444. , Pubmed
Perry, P., Sauer, S., Billon, N., Richardson, W.D., Spivakov, M., Warnes, G., Livesey, F.J., Merkenschlager, M., Fisher, A.G., and Azuara, V. (2004) A Dynamic Switch in the Replication Timing of Key Regulator Genes in Embryonic Stem Cells upon Neural Induction. Cell Cycle , 3: 1645-1650. , Pubmed
Robinson, M., Parsons Perez, M.C., Tébar, L., Palmer, J., Patel, A., Marks, D.,Sheasby, A., De Felipe, C., Coffin, R., Livesey, F.J. and Hunt, S.P. (2004) FLRT3 is Expressed in Sensory Neurons After Peripheral Nerve Injury and Regulates Neurite Outgrowth. Mol. Cell. Neurosci, 27: 202-214. , Pubmed
Kawasaki, H., Crowley, J.C., Livesey, F.J. and Katz, L.C. (2004) Molecular organization of the ferret visual thalamus. J. Neurosci. , 24: 9962-9970. , Pubmed
Dyer, M.A., Livesey, F.J., Cepko, C.L. and Oliver, G. (2003) Prox1 function controls progenitor cell proliferation and horizontal cell genesis in the mammalian retina. Nature Genetics , 34: 53-58. , Pubmed
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