Our research spans from biophysical mechanism to molecular behaviour in organisms to discover how proteins and lipids control rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton.
April 2019:
Uli gives a seminar talk at Virginia Tech in the US and an invited talk at the British Applied Maths Colloquium in Bath.
March 2019:
Pantelis goes to the Advanced Optical Microscopy course at the Plymouth Marine Biological Association.
January 2019:
Our newest manuscript on actin dynamics and the variable composition of actin regulatory proteins is up on the bioRxiv.
Jenny enjoyed participating in a Company of Biologists workshop on reconstituting the cell cytoskeleton, giving a talk and interacting with colleagues.
We are lucky to have two excellent Part II students from the Department of Biochemistry join us for their eight week projects.
December 2018:
We bid farewell to Bish who moves on to a new PostDoc position at the Crick Institute! Good luck with her future endeavours!
November 2018:
We say goodbye to Hanae who successfully defended her thesis and starts a PostDoc position at the Salk Institute. We wish her all the Best!
October 2018:
Grant success: Jonathan has translational funding!
Pantelis joins the lab as our newest PhD student!